Submit your symposium proposal (abstract) untill 15/03/2015 (3nd round of calls) at
Abstract and articles sumbmission are possible using the conference management system EasyChair
- Connect to
- Create an account
- Type the text in the box and press continue
- Fill in the form with your personal details
- Activate your account using the link sent by EasyChair to your email.
Connect to your account and....
- Fill in the form of your proposal
- Choose the Symposium theme in which you want your presenttion to be placed in
- Choos the type of your presentation
Do not forget to attach a word document with the following information:
Details of your Presentation
- Title of presenttion
- Key words (2-5)
- abstract (max of 500 words)
Personnal Details:
- Name
- Position
- Institution
- Telephone and email
- Short Bio (max 150 words)
- Your Photo
Submit your abstract/proposal!
Do not forget
- Each time you log in to your account use your username and password
- When finish always press log out