Mary Kalantzis
Mary Kalantzis is the Dean of the College of Education and Professor of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Illinios. Adjunct professor at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, attached to the Globailsm Institute and Research Director of the Knowledge Design Forum. With Bill Cope, co-author of: The Powers of Literacy, Falmer Press, London, 1993, Productive Diversity, Pluto Press, Sydney, 1997; A Place in the Sun: Re-Creating the Australian Way of Life, Harper Collins, Sydney, 2000; Multiliteracies: Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures, Routledge, London, 2000; and Learning by Design, Victorian Schools Innovation Commission, Melbourne, 2005.
Sylvia Chard
Dr. Sylvia C. Chard is Professor Emeritus of Early Childhood Education at the University of Alberta, Canada. She worked at the University of Alberta since 1989 where she was for seven years Director of the Laboratory School, the Child Study Center, in the Department of Elementary Education. Dr. Chard taught at various levels in schools from preschool through high school in England. She completed her M.Ed. and Ph.D. at the University of Illinois. Dr. Sylvia Chard is co-author with Lilian G. Katz of the book, Engaging Children's Minds: The Project Approach (Ablex, 1989). Dr. Chard has written two Practical Guides for Teachers on project work published by Scholastic (1998) and a CD The Project Approach: Taking a Closer Look. Dr. Chard continues to maintain a website and blog at: She lectures on the ProjectApproach, interdisciplinary learning, and young children representing their understanding through drawing, in Canada, the U.S.A., and in many other countries around the world.
Nicola Yelland
Nicola Yelland is a Research Professor and Director of Research in the College of Education at Victoria University, Australia. Over the last decade her teaching and research has been related to the use of ICT in school and community contexts. This has involved projects that have investigated the innovative learning of children as well as a broader consideration of the ways in which new technologies can impact on the pedagogies that teachers use and the curriculum in schools.
Her multidisciplinary research focus has enabled her to work with early childhood, primary and middle school teachers to enhance the ways in which ICT can be incorporated into learning contexts. Her focus is on making learning more interesting and motivating for students so that educational outcomes are improved.
Antonis Lionarakis
Antonis Λιοναράκης is Associate Professor at the Hellenic Open University and has taught at the Open University of Great Britain. He was a board member of the Institute of continuing adult education and founder and president of the scientific organisation "Greek Network Open & distance learning".
He was a member of the Ministerial committee for the establishment of the Hellenic Open University and rapporteur of the principles of open and distance education in Greece. Every two years he organises the international conference on open and distance education. Has been involved in authoring ans co-editing 21 books for distance learning and in many research programs, while his work has been published in many scientific journals. He is responsible for scientific research programs. Since 2008 he is a member of the Global Advisory Council (GAC) for the Observatory on Borderless Higher Education.
Emilios Solomou
Dr EmiliosSolomou is the Executive Vice President for Administration of the University of Nicosia and a faculty member teaching in the Departments of Education and European Studies and International Relations. He started his career at the English School Nicosia where he served as a History Teacher, Head of the History Department, Senior Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Acting Head Teacher. Since 2000 he has been teaching Cyprus History on the M.A. in International Relations Programme, and Cyprus History as well as History Teaching Methodology on the B.A. in the Primary Education programme at the University of Nicosia. He has participated in many seminars and conferences on the Theory, Methodology and Teaching of History. He has also contributed to a number of European projects with emphasis on ethnicity and co-operation.
Emilios Solomou is the President of the Committee of Cultural Events of the Unesco Chair, a Fellow of the Historical Association of Great Britain and a member of the Historical Association of the United States. In addition he is a member of the Board of the Cyprus Historical Association, the Cyprus Center for Intercultural Studies, the Board of the Mass Media Institute (IMME) as he has been an active member of many Professional Associations and Organisations in Cyprus, the U.K and the USA.
Konstantinos Kontos
Born in Athens Greece. Obtained his Master's degree in Computer Science in the UK from the University of Essex. He has more than 16 years of professional experience working as a software consultant and systems engineer for major Greek IT firms. For the past six years, he has been working as an independent software designer / developer with an emphasis on Apple platforms and mobile software development methodologies. Lately he has been an external engineer/ consultant for the Stavros Niarchos Foundation New Media Lab at Simon Fraser University. His main professional interests are in e-learning, user experience and Internet-of-Things.
Fabrizio Manuel Sirignano, PhD in Education, is Associate Professor of Education at Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples, Italy
Fabrizio Manuel Sirignano, PhD in Education, is Associate Professor of Education at Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples, Italy. He is Delegate of the Rector for Lifelong Learning activities and Responsible for the Course of Study in Primary Education Sciences. His research focuses on the Social Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Politics and, in particular, on the relationship between education and politics with reference of the role of education in the horizon of complex and multicultural society. He published many books, articles and essays. Among his latest publications: La prise de parole e le pedagogie sommerse del Sud Italia (ed. with S. Lucchese, Napoli 2015); Aprendizaje, ciudadanía y participacíon. Perspectives desde el sur de Europa(ed. with. J. Gonzalez Monteagudo, Sevilla 2013); Pedagogia della decrescita. L'educazione sfida la globalizzazione (Milano 2012); Pedagogia civile e questione meridionale. L'impegno di Francesco Saverio Nitti e Gaetano Salvemini (with. S. Lucchese, Lecce 2012); La pedagogia autobiografica (ed. with S. Maddalena, Lecce 2012); Etica pubblica e scuola. Riflessioni pedagogiche (ed. with. E. Corbi, Napoli 2011); Per una pedagogia della politica (Roma 2007); La pedagogia della formazione. Teoria e storia (Napoli 2003); La formazione interculturale fra teoria, storia e autobiografia (Pisa 2002).
Pascal Perillo, Adjunct Professor, University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy
Pascal Perillo, PhD in Education, is Researcher in Education and Adjunct Professor of Models and educational practices for continuing education at Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples, Italy. His research focuses on education (with particular attention to the relationship knowledge-formation), educational practice, training of educators, and pedagogy of families. He is Scientific Responsible of the International research group "Educators Training. Professional epistemologies and educational practices". Among his latest pubblications: La formazione e il "carattere pratico della realtà". Scenari e contesti di una pedagogia in situazione (ed. with E. Corbi, Pensa MultiMedia, Lecce, 2014); "Vocational Guidance Counselling. Educational Perspectives", in «Pedagogia Oggi», n. 1, 2015, pp. 378-400; "Paternità e apprendimento adulto. Orientamenti per la consulenza pedagogica", in «Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare», n. 2, 2014, pp. 41-64; Pensarsi educatori (Liguori, Napoli 2012); La trabeazione formativa. Riflessioni sulla formazione per una formazione alla riflessività (Liguori, Napoli 2010).
Daniela Manno, Associate, University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy
Daniela Manno, after taking a PhD in Education, she works at University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa where she teaches 'Social Policy for people with disability', 'Individual Educational Plan for students with disability', and 'Mentorship relationship'. She also was a supervisor of school experience for support teachers at University of Siena and taught 'Didactics and Special Pedagogy' and 'General Didactics' in Teacher Education courses at the University of Naples "L'Orientale" and the University of Naples "Federico II". She is Teacher Expert of Philosophy for Children/Community. Her areas of research are: dialogic education and the thought of Mikhail Bakhtin; education for critical and reflective thinking; inclusive education; teacher education. Among her latest publications: Dal contatto all'incontro. Educare al cosmopolitismo nel tempo della Rete (2014); L'educazione al pensiero riflessivo nella formazione dei ricercatori industriali. Analisi di un'esperienza (2013), Formazione, quotidianità e cultura popolare (2012), Azione e co-autorialità nei WIKI. Un esempio di formazione alla responsabilità (2012).
Fabrizio Chello, Lecturer at University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, Italy
Fabrizio Chello, PhD in Education, is lecturer at University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa (Italy), where he teaches 'Pedagogy of Educational Relationship'. In Italy, he taught also at University of Naples Federico II ('Pedagogy of Learning Process' and 'Didactics and Special Education') and at University of Siena (as a supervisor of school experience for support teachers). At University of Geneva (Switzerland), he is member of the research group "Comprehensive Approach of Representation and Action" (ACRA). His research interests focus both on epistemology and methodology of educational research and on the role of non-formal and informal learning in educational practices. Among his publications: La Compréhension. Epistémologie et méthodologie de la recherche en éducation/formation (ed. with M.-N. Schurmans, forthcoming); La formazione come transazione. Epistemologia, teoria e metodologia di una categoria pedagogica (ed., Naples, 2013); Itinerari di epistemologia pedagogica – 1879/1945 (with O. De Sanctis and D. Varchetta, Naples, 2011); Per una pedagogia al tempo presente. Conoscenza, agire formativo ed educabilità nel pensiero di Jeanne Hersch (Genève, 2011).